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//  22.02.24  //
Maintenance is important for optimal e-motorcycle performance
Maintenance is important for optimal e-motorcycle performance

Master the art of electric motorcycle care with our comprehensive guide. From cleaning tips to battery care, ensure optimal performance for a smooth, safe ride.

Electric motorcycles, like all vehicles, require care and maintenance to ensure they’re kept in tip-top condition to keep you speeding into the sunset. T&D powertrains are built to last, but keeping up with good bike maintenance will help to ensure they perform their best throughout their lifecycle. So “How do I care for my electric motorcycle?” you may ask. We’re here to give you the lowdown on electric motorcycle maintenance, and why they’re the ultimate low-upkeep option. 

Electric vehicles are more low maintenance than non-electric vehicles
Electric vehicles are more low maintenance than non-electric vehicles

ICE or electric, which has cheaper maintenance? 

Electric vehicles in general have a great reputation for being easier and cheaper to maintain than their gasoline counterparts, so it’s no surprise really that electric motorcycles follow suit. Generally, there are fewer moving parts in an electric motorcycle and therefore fewer aspects to consider when maintaining one.

ICE motorcycles have complex engines with many elements that are subject to wear and tear. However, electric motorcycles have fewer elements. Electric motors are made of 2 main components – a stator, and a rotor – as well as a handful of additional parts, including an armature, and commutator, which are all subject to a reduced need for repair due to the lower wear and tear compared to ICEs. Additionally, the engines for electric motorcycles do not require lubrication, so the cost and frequency of regular engine oil changes aren’t required.

Electric motorcycle engines generate less heat than ICEs, making it easier to manage temperatures with basic air cooling. The cooling systems in place for ICEs tend to be elaborate, as multiple components each have unique cooling needs which all require coolant. Electric motorcycles, due to their simpler cooling needs, do not require coolant and therefore the contributing cost of these regular changes are eliminated with an electric powertrain.

As well as this, there are also several other reduced costs with an electric motorcycle, in part due to their simplified transmission, including no exhaust maintenance costs, and reduced stress on brakes and other components, therefore resulting in less upkeep for these parts. 

Now we know which is cheaper to maintain and why, let’s dive into exactly how to care for your electric motorcycle. 

Cleaning your electric motorbike
Cleaning your electric motorbike

A clean bike is a happy bike 

This is one of the most important factors for improving not only the longevity of your bike, but its performance and safety. 

Cleaning the frame and electrical components is essential to prevent corrosion from rust. For the frame, clearing away dirt and grime helps to keep your motorcycle looking as good as new. It is essential to give the electrical components a clean every now and then, as cleaning these helps prevent the build-up of dirt and moisture, which could increase the risk of corrosion. For the electrical components rust may affect their connectivity. 

You may not be too concerned about your bike’s aerodynamics, but if you’re riding a superbike or love going fast, this is for you. A build-up of dirt and grime can make the bike less aerodynamic due to the lumps and bumps, which in turn may affect the speed of the bike. Keeping the bike clean ensures that you always have optimal performance, getting you from A to B as quickly as possible. 

Cleaning your motorcycle will also make it more visible on the road and will keep your lights and mirrors unobstructed. This will help keep you safe and reduce the risk of potential accidents.

You may now be thinking, how do I clean my motorcycle? Don’t worry we’ve got you covered with some Dos and Don’ts below:


  • Clean the frame, wheels, lights, and other parts.
  • Gently clean around the brake discs with a cleaning cloth and brake disc cleaning fluid.
  • Use a brush to clean the hard-to-reach areas (i.e. charging ports). 
  • Rinse with low-pressure water & gently pat dry. 
  • Finish by coating with a wax/polish to protect the paintwork. 
  • Remove the battery if possible.   


  • Rush. It’s important to ensure that electrical components are sealed before cleaning – having water getting into any electrical components could be detrimental to your bike.
  • Wash while charging or connected to any electrical systems.
  • Wash the brake discs directly or too vigorously.
  • Once you’ve finished cleaning your bike, it's crucial to consider if any components may require lubrication, this includes the kickstand or steering column bearings. These parts should be incorporated into any regular checks to ensure that they are properly greased. 
  • Use a power jet to wash your bike.
With T&D motors, the gear oil process is made as simple as possible
With T&D motors, the gear oil process is made as simple as possible

Engine care

While our permanent magnet synchronous motors don’t require engine oil changes, they do require regular gear oil changes. This is designed to help protect, lubricate, and cool gearing systems. We advise that this is drained and changed after the first 3,000km of travel and then every 5,000km thereafter. It is important to ensure that you don’t attempt to change the gear oil while the motor is hot, so it is best to wait a few hours following your journey for the motor to cool down, and to wear protective clothing and safety gloves to safeguard yourself from burns or stains. 

T&D batteries are removable for convenient charging
T&D batteries are removable for convenient charging

Mastering Battery Care

Your battery is key to powering your journeys so it's vital to keep your battery in top shape to keep you powering forward. For any battery, what’s most important is to follow the guidelines provided by the manufacturer as they will have the best and most accurate information for your individual components. However, there are a few general rules of thumb to ensure good battery health. These include avoiding overcharging (taking your battery off charge when it reaches 100%), not letting the battery completely drain, and periodically cleaning the ports to prevent corrosion. If you plan on storing your motorcycle for a long period of time, ensure that the battery is partially charged and not left on empty, and give it a check and charge every 6 months.

It's important to have your tires inspected regularly
It's important to have your tires inspected regularly

Tread wisely: tire care

Taking the time to check your tires is a real safety fundamental, and neglecting them could increase your chance of accidents. It’s important to ensure that your tire pressure is maintained within the recommended range, which can be typically found in the bike’s handbook. Having tire pressure that’s too low can result in poor handling, skids, falls, and increased wear and tear, while having a tire pressure that’s too high can make for a harsher ride, decreased traction, and reduced braking distance. When measuring your tire pressure, it’s important to take air temperature into account; high temperatures can increase air pressure, whereas low temperatures have the opposite effect. Therefore, it is recommended by tire companies to check your tire pressure when it’s colder outside.

Regularly check your components for safe riding
Regularly check your components for safe riding

Routine Inspections

Visually checking for loose nuts and bolts, and damaged components can help catch potential issues early so they don’t escalate into increased damage or bigger repairs. Loose nuts and bolts can be tightened and damaged components replaced. If during your checks you notice a particular screw/nut/component regularly loosening, this could be cause for concern and require a mechanic, dealer, or manufacturer to inspect. 

We’re sure we don’t have to stress the importance of brakes, so the gravity of maintaining them shouldn’t be overlooked. It’s vital to check your brake pads regularly, about once a month, in addition to brake fluid. This will keep you safe and in control when out on the road. Speaking of safety, it’s also important to regularly check your electrical components; this includes all lights and signals.

And of course, regular home maintenance should make your vehicle more likely to pass its mandatory, state-level checks.


It’s wise to keep your bike in a cool and dry environment out of direct sunlight, which helps to protect your bike from rust and effects of the elements. If you don’t have a covered space to store your bike available, you may want to consider investing in a waterproof cover instead. If storing for a long period of time (over 8 months), consider regular partial charging of the battery or disconnecting the battery from your bike and using a maintenance charger, which will help keep your battery in great shape whenever you choose to get back out on the road and resume your rides.


There we have it, maintaining your electric motorcycle is a straightforward process that significantly enhances the longevity and performance of your bike. Not only are electric motorcycles the more economical choice with fewer components to maintain, but their reduced wear and tear make them the ultimate low upkeep option compared to other motorcycle counterparts!

It’s important that these tips are be taken into consideration in combination with the information provided in your electric motorcycle handbook, as this will have the most accurate advice regarding your specific motorcycle and powertrain. 

T&D powertrains are designed as a complete drive system, which means they have been specifically developed to work in optimal harmony. Components that have been professionally paired and integrated, as in a T&D powertrain, should not suffer from the kind of problems you might see in a mix and match system, such as loose fit, burnout, or mismatched power and torque. A complete drive system not only leads to better performance, but means bikes powered by T&D can enjoy better reliability, and call for less maintenance long-term. 


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